There are many ways to support Eldridge Park.
It takes many hands to keep our park operating and functional for the community. There are lots of different volunteer opportunities to choose from such as set up, tear down, maintenance, ticket sales, ride operation, landscaping. To get involved with the preservation society’s efforts through volunteering or employment, please fill out the volunteer application or contact us at director@eldridgepark.org.
Jasper Boat Captains – Joint Pilot Licensing required and may be reimbursed by our organization at the end of the season. Duties include driving a small electric public vessel tour boat on Eldridge Lake talking about the history of Eldridge Park on weekends during the summer.
License Application
License Study Guide
Gardening & Landscaping – Many volunteers needed to adopt our flower beds on the Midway and Miniature Golf Course. Duties include weeding & planting upkeep from May through September.
Grounds Crew – Monitoring Midway and Bathrooms to keep clear of garbage from May through September. Duties include utilizing golf cart and/or walking along grounds to empty garbage cans, pick up garbage on grounds, pressure wash walkways & buildings as needed, clean & mop bathrooms.
Ride/Attraction Operators – Operate attractions from May through September. Duties may include operation of Kiddie Rides, Thunderbirds, Tilt-a-Whirl, Carousel, Miniature Golf Course, Paddle Boats.

Eldridge Park thrives on generous donations from people who believe in our core values. For more information about donations and sponsorship opportunities, contact us at director@eldridgepark.org or learn more below.
Check donations should be mailed to:
Eldridge Park Carousel Preservation Society
PO Box 3056
Elmira, NY 14905
Sponsorships, can be done through this portal.
For Direct Online Donations Please Click Here: Donation – Eldridge Park Carousel Preservation Society, Inc

Memorial Brick Sponsorships – $50+
We have several options for memorial sponsorships at the park. Personalized bricks can be engraved with up to 13 characters per line and up to 3 lines per brick. You can order a single midway brick for $60 or multiple midway bricks for $50 each. If you prefer, you can instead purchase a brick to place at our American Girl statue for $75. If you’d like to purchase a memorial brick, please complete and mail this form.
Memorial benches can be placed with a donation of $1,500.
Carousel Animal Sponsorship – $10,000+
Have you ever wanted to name a Carousel Animal? Now is your opportunity, we have multiple animals still available for sponsorship. A plaque with the animals name along with your name and/or business name will be placed in front of the sponsored animal directly on the Historic Carousel and remain on there for the duration of its operation. Your contribution will help cover maintenance costs on the animal.
Amazon Shopping Effortless Donation
If you use Amazon for your online shopping, you can help us without any cost to you. By using the AmazonSmile option when you check out, Amazon will donate a percentage of your total purchase price to our organization–and it won’t cost you a thing. Just use this link to set our organization as your preferred charity, and Amazon will do the rest.